Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Free Ebook: 31 Days to Clean!

From Sarah Mae:

"From RIGHT NOW until midnight tonight (EST) you can get 31 Days to Clean – Having a Martha House the Mary Way FREE just by using the hashtag #31daystoclean in a tweet and linking to OR by blogging about the ebook! Once you do one of these two things, email me (or DM me @sarahmaewrites) with your email address and I’ll send you a download link! Ready? GO!!!!!!!!!!!! :) And thank you so much for spreading the word!"

Visit Sarah Mae's site from more information!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Lemon Drop Cookies

I would not call myself a baker but I love to bake. My creations (usually) turn out very yummy but often do not turn out looking like the beautiful pictures that accompany the recipe. Lemon drop cookies are the exception. They turned out beautifully and they taste even better! They are chewy and crunchy at the same time (thanks to the crushed lemon drop candies) and the glaze is heavenly. I think I have a new favorite cookie!

Lemon Drop Cookies (From See Jane Cook)

2 c. sugar
1 1/2 cup butter flavored shortening
3 eggs
2 tsp. vanilla
1 tsp. lemon extract
4 c. flour
1 1/2 tsp soda
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp. salt
Finely chopped zest of one lemon
1 (6-oz) package lemon drops (sometimes these are tricky to find, I usually keep two or three bags in my pantry)
2 c. powdered sugar
juice of two lemons

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In mixing bowl, cream sugar, shortening, and eggs; add flavorings. Stir in dry ingredients, lemon zest, and crushed lemon drops (I crush them in my blender). Roll into balls, flatten slightly, and bake on parchment lined (if you don't use parchment, cookies will stick to pan) baking sheet for 10 to 12 minutes. Let cool slightly on pan for a couple of minutes. Make a glaze by mixing powdered sugar with lemon juice. Brush glaze over cookie tops. Let cookies cool completely.

Makes 4 to 5 dozen cookies(...really!)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Earth Day and Spring Cleaning...for Kids!

With spring well underway, many of us are doing some spring cleaning and getting rid of the clutter collected during the winter months.

Why not get the kids involved in the spring cleaning activities? Here is a great Earth Day/spring activity: host a toy exchange! Have your child pick out several toys that he would like to exchange, invite a few buddies over and do a toy swap. Any toys that remain can be donated to children's shelters, Goodwill or other non-profit organizations.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Baseball and Sousa

(Sousa's 1902 baseball team with Sousa sitting in the front-middle)

John Philip Sousa's band covered more than a million train track miles during a 39-year period. They performed almost every day and traveled a great deal. The bandsmen spent most of their time together and enjoyed playing sports. The band actually had a baseball team and Sousa was the pitcher occasionally.

"The National Game" was written by Sousa in 1925 in honor of the National League's 50th anniversary. Here is a YouTube video including the march.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Dream Rocket

I discovered an interesting website this past weekend!

The Dream Rocket is a collaborative effort from people across the country and around the world. Using the idea of dreams, artists are invited to submit artwork which will be used to cover a 37 story Saturn V Moon rocket.

I plan on participating with my band students by tying it into our semester composer project.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Snowmageddon 2011

We only had one day of school this week due to snow. At my house, the snow was seven inches Arkansas! It was beautiful.

I had lots of time to clean closets, vacuum under beds and get ready for a massive yard sale that will be held this spring.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Book: Music Advocacy and Student Leadership

This was the book I read during January. Music Advocacy and Student Leadership, by Tim Lautzenheiser, is a great read for music educators and students about to enter the field. The chapters are short and informative without being preachy or boring. Dr. Tim discusses how to select and develop student leaders, being a leader as the band director as well as advocacy for music programs.